Our beautiful basket items! |
Great Country Farms makes every effort to use organic and sustainable methods of farming where possible; however, they are not certified organic. They do treat their orchards and some crops for pests when necessary. For my cost comparison, I will compare organic food items except for orchard items with Harris Teeter prices (HT and Whole Foods are my "go to" grocery stores).
Here's what we got week 1:
Bunch of radishes - $1.79
Large bag of spinach - $7.89
2 pints strawberries - $3.50
Asparagus - $3.99 (non-organic price)
Bunch of spring onions - $1.49
Basil plant - $3.99 (price from local nursery)
The total estimated value of our share from week 1 is $22.65.
We grilled the asparagus, used some spinach in an omelet, sauteed the onions and spinach together with some garlic, made this amazing recipe for strawberry gelatin, used the radishes in a salad, and planted the basil plant. We received a cute "Who's your farmer?" magnet in our basket! Such a successful basket!
I cannot wait to get into our week 2 basket!